Food and Spirit

Title: Food and Spirit
Location: Samara Healing Center
Register: Click here


The process of eating food and then transforming it into the vital energy and substance of the body is nothing short of a miracle. How we turn a carrot or twinkie into ourselves is truly miraculous!! Food has the potential to be received as a gift from the earth and ultimately the sun, yet the balanced reception of this beautiful gift can become a place of struggle for so many

The purpose of this class is to create a safe environment in which to explore our relationship with food beyond the fine art of calorie counting. Without cultivating a deep awareness of the many facets and complexities of this relationship, our weight will continue to come and go like a flock of migratory birds. Together we will explore all aspects of eating:

  • A practical perspective of looking at how food is grown and prepared and how different types of food are energetically transformed in the body. This will include discussions on constitutional types and making appropriate choices for the individual’s make-up and situation.
  • a personal view of looking at food and our families and the role stress and emotional eating have in our lives, as well as,
  • A spiritual view of food as we consider how we nourish ourselves and others throughout our lives.

An expected outcome of participating in this class is the shift of one’s perspective away from looking at food as a calorie source and moving towards an understanding of food as a source of vitality and deep nourishment.

This class will involve group sharing and discussion, guided imagery, breathing and gentle movement exercises, journaling and completing assigned reading and homework outside of class.

Required reading:

Feeding the Hungry Heart by Geneen Roth

Food for Thought compiled by Jim Thomas available as a PDF at


If you are not a current client of Jim’s a phone conversation is required before registering to insure the class is a good fit.

Start Time: 7:00 pm
End Time: 9:00 pm

Days: Thursdays January 31 through March 21

Fee: $275, $100 due at registration with balance due first class